American Horror Story will eventually do a Murder House/Coven crossover season

For a few seasons, American Horror Story has flirted with the idea that all of its seasons exist within the same universe, which is to say that it’s theoretically possible to chart a timeline from one to the others whether or not they explicitly share any of the same characters or elements. This has really been more about fan-service than anything, but it’s still fun on the rare occasion when a familiar actor turns up in a familiar role. Soon, though, American Horror Story mastermind Ryan Murphy is going to stop screwing around and just make a straight-up crossover season.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Murphy responded to a question about revisiting the setting from the Coven season by revealing that he’s actually going to combine it and the Murder House season into something “very bizarre.” He then clarified that he specifically means characters from Murder House will be interacting with characters from Coven, so this will be a full-on proper crossover and not more of the same directionless pandering. That being said, the biggest hurdle in making this thing work is actually getting the various people who played those characters on board. Murphy says he’s been “quietly” meeting with actors so he can establish a window of time in which they’ll be available, but whatever he’s scheming is so complex that it won’t happen next season.

That means this crossover if more than a year off, but if that’s how long we have to wait to see the likable characters from the fun Murder House season meeting up with the boring characters from the lousy Coven season, it just might be worth it.

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