Amy Adams to play Lois Lane in Superman film that is, yep, still being directed by Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder’s Xbox erotica Sucker Punch may have just become the director’s third major letdown in a row, and renewed those growing worries that he’ll bring the Superman franchise down into the charcoal sweat-splattered gutter with him, but Snyder just scored a temporary distraction with the casting of Amy Adams as Lois Lane. Adams beat out other rumored contenders like Rachel McAdams and Jessica Biel for the part that Snyder calls a “linchpin” to Man Of Steel, the plucky reporter who will help make Superman “relevant and real” and also “empathetic to today’s audience so that we understand the decisions he makes.” So finally, a Superman everyone can get behind.

While Adams is 36, and thus 10 years older than her co-star Henry Cavill, that age difference is much easier to overlook than Superman Returns’ supposition that the 23-year-old Kate Bosworth’s Lois Lane had already picked up a Pulitzer Prize, apparently in between sorority parties, and had a 6-year-old son. Most importantly, Adams has got plenty of moxie, chutzpah, what-have-you, enough to stand up to Superman and, hopefully, Zack Snyder’s bulldozing style.

Speaking of bulldozers: Only a day after Adams was announced as the new Lois, Deadline unearthed a letter from the original original Lois—Joanne Siegel, wife of late co-creator Jerome Siegel and a model for the character—written shortly before her death on February 12, and it's a depressing cataloging of various harassment tactics used by Warner Bros. during the ongoing dispute over the character. If the studio fought their way through elderly, infirm women to get their new Superman movie, you know it's got to be pretty good.

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