Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are done with hosting the Golden Globes after January

Fans might need some night cheese to help them cope: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are done hosting the Golden Globes after this January. Poehler visited Today to promote her brand-new book and revealed that the duo’s third time hosting the awards show will also be their last. “It’s the law of diminishing returns, which is why this is our last time,” Poehler explained. “Unless you want to be a perennial host, there’s nowhere to go but down!”

After their first appearance earned near universal acclaim, Fey and Poehler signed a two-year hosting deal with the Golden Globes. Their second appearance marked a 10-year high in Globes ratings. Assuming the upcoming ceremonies are equally successful, NBC would presumably love to have them back again. And Poehler left the door just a tiny bit ajar for such possibilities. “It’ll be like our farewell tour,” she joked about their final hosting gig, “We’ll be the Jay Z of the Globes and never retire.”

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