An 87-year-old Japanese grandmother is taking the best selfies in the world

Kimiko Nishimoto is an 87-year-old grandmother from Japan. Way back when she was 71, she discovered photography and has spent the intervening years capturing delicate still lifes and flowers as well as surreal, abstract washes of color. It’s nice stuff.

She also makes self-portraits, which she then digitally edits to be beyond fucking radical. Some are high-velocity action shots:

Others explore an eerie intermediary space, giving just enough information to make the viewer want more:

Here she is laying out a bike like your cousin Todd did after one too many Monster Energy drinks:

And here she is just fucking around:

Kimiko Nishimoto needs to get on Snapchat. You can see much more of her artwork at her website.

[via Booooooom]

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