An old Hitchcock interview reveals why he found humor in horror

An old Hitchcock interview reveals why he found humor in horror

Fans of the legendary Alfred Hitchcock know that the acclaimed suspense director was known for his sense of humor and for poking fun at himself. His introductions to his 1950s to 1960s CBS and NBC series Alfred Hitchcock Presents, for example, were full of macabre in-jokes, as was this promo for one of his later efforts, 1972’s Frenzy:

His eloquence and wit also made Hitchcock a valuable interview. The PBS Digital Studios series Blank On Blank recovers interview footage from notables like Frank Lloyd Wright, Jacques Cousteau, and Stephen King and pairs the dialogue with delightful accompanying animation. This latest installment from the Pacifica Radio Archives has Hitchcock chatting with Cullen Edwards in 1957 about his death-obsessed reputation, saying, “If I did a story about Cinderella, they would be waiting for the body to turn up.” He also comments on why he finds graveyards humorous and why making movies about fear appeals to so many people. You can enjoy this engaging chat along with many others at the series’ YouTube channel or the Blank On Blank website.

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