An unrecognizable Brendan Fraser shows up to give The Affair a menacing twist

An unrecognizable Brendan Fraser shows up to give The Affair a menacing twist

Because The A.V. Club knows that TV shows keep going even if we’re not writing at length about them, we’re experimenting with discussion posts. For certain shows, one of our TV writers will publish some brief thoughts about the latest episode, and open the comments for readers to share theirs.

  • “I’m crying, you asshole!” I love Nina. But do we know what happened in the family all those years ago to make her so upset? Something about her leaving?
  • So this episode at least got us back to the parallel views of the same event, which is my favorite part of the series. Of course, that’s also been one of its critiques, as to how two people can remember how something happened in an entirely different way. In Noah’s version in the season premiere, Juliette finds him talking to Audrey on the porch, whereas in her version, she finds him upstairs. Their first kiss is much less her coming straight up to him and saying she’s intrigued by his prison record and his writing resume, but a more equal conversation about attraction and love.
  • Part of me cried a bit “unfair!” when Juliette got her own perspective, after we had to wait a whole season for Helen and Cole to get theirs. Not sure what hers signifies, except that she’s obviously a caretaker, who not only brings in wayward students (and has sex with them), but is supporting her ill husband, and her kids as well. So much so that she can even take prioritize taking one of their phone calls as she sits on a curb, completely bloodstained. So it’s pretty clear whey she would take Noah in as well, as he’s almost completely broken.
  • Many kudos to Brendan Fraser as John Gunther, the Misery-minded prison guard! Fraser is almost unrecognizable in this villainous role, but he’s doing such a good job. At first Gunther seems just like a man with some leftover hero worship; then his admiration for Noah slowly takes a menacing turn (not giving him the paper), before escalating into an actual attack.
  • Are we certain that he was the stabber, though? Why was Juliette driving slowly past the gun store? A commentary on American culture, or some research?
  • Helen comes off as so awful in Noah’s perception of her. Just brutal, and thoroughly shrew-like. All the more reason for her to just give up on him and their relationship.
  • If Noah sleeps with Audrey, an Alison lookalike his daughter’s age, I may have to stop watching this show altogether.
  • Who knew a plastic cup could be so annoying?

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