And now Led Zeppelin's John Bonham might be turned into a hologram

Ever since the debut of Tupac’s hologram at Coachella, the world has been clamoring over which dead celebrity we should next haul out of eternal rest to get out there and dance for us, ghost monkey, as well as clamoring to tell each other it’s not really a hologram. Potentially next on that list is Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham, whose son Jason Bonham—who already created the transparent imitation that is his Led Zeppelin Experience band—now says he wants to put his late father back on stage, so John Bonham can return to doing what he did best: occupying that delicate space between life and death. Also, drumming, about which the younger Bonham says, “My dream is to do the hologram drum solo with dad next to me,” because these are the sorts of things we dream now, apparently. Of course, Bonham admits, there are a few stumbling blocks to realizing that dream, chiefly the dearth of usable video footage and the fact that scientists have still yet to perfect hologram whiskey. (Science sucks.) And as always, there’s also the small matter of the dignity in death, though technology is closer than ever to eradicating that.

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