And now The War Of The Roses is coming to Broadway

And now The War Of The Roses is coming to Broadway

Of late, everything seems to be coming up The War Of The Roses. Warren Adler’s novel about Oliver and Barbara Rose, yuppies who become mired in a bitter and destructive divorce, was famously turned into a 1989 movie starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. Last year, we reported that the film would be getting a sequel revolving around the pair’s children—who, as it turns out, also have problems. And now, perhaps sensing an opportunity to turn a story about a couple out to destroy everything the other holds dear into a Spider-Man-like franchise capable of reaping billions in merchandising revenue, producers are now getting ready to bring the movie to Broadway.

Adapted by Adler himself, the stage version of The War Of The Roses has already had international runs in countries like Spain, Germany, and Argentina. There have been no announcements regarding the cast or creative team behind its Broadway run, but producers are planning to mount it for the 2015-2016 season. At that time, it will join properties like Animal House, The Sting, and Big Fish in strengthening the basic cable-to-Great White Way pipeline. Unlike those shows, however, the stage version of The War Of The Roses is not a musical. Which is a shame, since “I Hate Everything About You And Want To Smash Your Face” would make a hell of a number to end the first act.

[via Variety]

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