And the Parameter winner is... The Ballad Of Oscar Homeslice!

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And the winner is… the very first entry we received, which is sort of poetic, don't you think? It's The Ballad Of Oscar Homeslice by Ted Kindig. We had our finalist screening on Friday night, and presented Mr. Homeslice (errr, Mr. Kindig) with his fat prize money—a total of $11.5k. It was a fantastic event, so thanks for coming if you made it. It was great to meet all of the finalists, and a bunch of other folks who submitted excellent films but didn't make the top 5. Once again, it was incredibly difficult paring down all of the entries to just 15 prize winners. And thanks again to Grolsch for partnering with us on this competition; they were great to work with, and we've already got the wheels in motion for Parameter 2013. (And the law changes in California in January, so sharpen your directing tools, Californians!) So, congratulations to Ted and really to everybody who entered. Making a short film isn't easy, and making a great one is even tougher. You all pass spacey camp! (Watch Oscar Homeslice, you'll get it.)

photo by Becky Frass

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