Andrew Garfield’s just as stoked about new Spider-Man as everyone else

Andrew Garfield doesn’t seem at all bitter that it’s starting to look like his Spider-Man movies are going to be regarded as the not-so-great ones when compared to the other stabs at the franchise. In an interview with Fandango, Garfield, adopting the parlance of a high school fanboy, said that he is “stoked” for the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming, which will star Tom Holland in the role he once occupied. “If I am being totally honest, I am so excited Spider-Man is back in the hands of Marvel,” Garfield explained. “I think that’s a really awesome move. It was a move that I’ve been advocating since I was offered the Spider-Man gig five or six years ago. I’m also excited for Tom Holland. I think he’s a very emotional, truthful, funny, physical actor, and I love the filmmaker—it all really couldn’t be in any better hands.” See? Everyone’s happy. And, after all, if it’s bad, Garfield can’t be blamed.

Meanwhile, the actor has moved on to far more serious fare, exploring the nature of Christian faith this year for both Mel Gibson and Martin Scorsese in Hacksaw Ridge and Silence, respectively. These projects could get him the sort of critical recognition and the Oscar buzz his pre-web slinger projects foretold. Garfield isn’t alone about being pumped for Homecoming: It’s got a cast full of beloved actors and comedians (Hannibal Buress! Michael Keaton!), Holland proved delightful in Captain America: Civil War, and that whole John Hughes vibe seems like a great idea.

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