Andy Samberg hijacks Late Night With Seth Meyers for his leftover Olympics bit

Andy Samberg has a question he's always wanted to ask and an Olympics bit he's been waiting to do on Seth Meyers' show

Andy Samberg hijacks Late Night With Seth Meyers for his leftover Olympics bit

Andy Samberg stopped by his pal Seth Meyers’ show on Wednesday to promote Lee, which is actually a dead serious dramatic film. “I guess I should just start by saying, look. We’re good friends. I’ve been on the show many times. When I come on I think maybe there’s an expectation that it’s gonna be… goofy,” Samberg prefaced his interview. “But in light of the film, which is actually really, truly, about serious heavy stuff, maybe I could just like, for a couple questions, be like, serious, and I’ll answer things just earnestly.”

Don’t worry, though, because the earnestness doesn’t last too long. After dutifully plugging the movie, Samberg hijacks the show with questions of his own (“Seth, do you think audiences have superhero fatigue? Answer me earnestly, and while you’re at it, rank all the Marvel shows in order of how much you like them and why, and tell me the truth Seth, not just what you think social media wants you to say!”) and with a character he’s been cooking up ever since the Olympics aired over the summer. It’s not exactly timely, but it is delightful to see Samberg put on an accent and pretend to be The French Pole Vaulter Who Knocked The Bar Down With His Giant Dong

The bit plays out much like a Weekend Update interview and is, in accordance with Samberg’s disclaimer at the top of his interview, very goofy. “To everyone out there who say I should have tucked, I did!” he exclaims while mugging at the camera. “As for why now, I left for New York as soon as the Olympics ended, but I traveled very slowly on account of my, how you say, big old floppy weiner?” At one point, the duo become concerned if these jokes are okay considering the French pole vaulter is a real guy (21-year-old Anthony Ammirati, BTW). “I mean, if anyone can make jokes about people with huge dongs, it’s a guy with a tiny one,” Samberg reasons. But when Meyers expresses his surprise that Samberg would admit such a thing on television, he hits back, “Wait, I was talking about you!” 

They may not have “[won] Late Night on Vulture dot com this week,” but it did win the hearts of many at The A.V. Club. You can check out the full interview above. 

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