Andy Samberg Is The Next Constantine Maroulis

Sometimes the interrogatives posed by magazine covers are just too provocative to go unanswered. Things like Details magazine's probing query, "Is Your Girlfriend Plotting To Get Pregnant Behind Your Back?" (Answer: Unless you're characters in a soap opera, probably not.), or Star's concerned question "But Can Owen Wilson Stay True Now That Kate's Leaving The Country For Two Months?" (Answer: Uh, no).

But sometimes there are multiple answers to questions asked by magazine (or confused alternative weekly) covers. Take, for example, the cover of this week's Village Voice:

"Why Is This Man [

SNL's Andy Samberg] Smiling?"

Possible answers:

1. Because for some reason he ended up on the cover, even though the interesting, behind-the-scenes article isn't really about him, and he's only quoted twice. (Read it here.)

2. Because being on the cover of the Village Voice means he's the next Constantine Maroulis! (Andy Samberg has arrived!)

3. Because he didn't have to take off his shirt or use a wind machine like Constantine.

4. Because a smile says "comedian," but a smile

and a shrug says "speaking truth to power."

5. Because Lorne Michaels made him.

This is fun. Any other reasons why Samberg is smiling on the cover of the Voice?

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