Angry vets are targeting ads at shows they know Trump watches

Donald Trump’s White House might be the most transparent in Washington history (at least when it comes to watching TV). The president has been very open about his viewing habits, which include Fox News, MSNBC, a little CNN, the Sunday morning news shows, and an occasional hate-watch of SNL. (If you can identify the common thread between all these programs—i.e., that they all talk about Donald Trump a lot—well, give yourself a prize.)

There’s been concern in the past that advertisers looking to get in Trump’s head might start trying to get to him through his set. (Politico recently reported that ad rates for MSNBC’s Morning Joe, a regular part of the president’s routine, have doubled since the inauguration.) But at least one group is using Trump’s media obsession for good, with progressive veteran rights group VoteVets aiming an advertisement directly at him and airing it during both Morning Joe and SNL.

The ad shows a veteran lifting weights despite missing a limb, and questions Trump’s choices in working to repeal the Affordable Care Act. “You want to be a legitimate president? Then act like one,” says the message from the group, which says it represents more than 500,000 former American servicemen and women and their families.

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