Animal Collective releases new shoes, songs

At the peak of Kiss’ popularity in the late ’70s, all four band members released solo albums on the same day, a move that many saw as one act of hubris too many for a group piss-drunk on its own runaway success. Post-Merriweather Post Pavilion, Animal Collective isn’t nearly as big as Kiss once was, so its rock-star indulges have been suitably scaled down to each member designing a pair of shoes for the apparel company Keep. That’s right, you can show your allegiance to Panda Bear by donning a pair of his warmly catchy kicks. Or perhaps the more abrasive textures of Avey Tare are better suited for the ol’ barking dogs. Pitchfork reports that the shoes ship on March 26 with a cassette tape featuring unreleased solo tracks from each Animal Collective member.

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