Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Ejiofor on lockdown breakdowns and their favorite masks

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Given that we’ve been in quarantine for 11-odd months now, it seems totally understandable that we’ve all probably developed some adorable little quirks, from the time of day we decide to get out of our pajamas to the weird indoor ways we exercise. A lot of us also have gone through dozens of masks in an attempt to get “the right one,” or at least a slate of a few that we don’t absolutely hate wearing.

Anne Hathaway certainly has, as she tells us in the video above. Her favorite mask, as it turns out, is made by Hedley & Bennett, a Los Angeles-based company that previously specialized in chef’s aprons. A cute little number that’s great for anyone sporting a ponytail, Hathaway’s mask is the perfect accessory for anyone viewing her latest project, HBO Max’s Locked Down, in which Hathaway plays a woman stuck in a seemingly endless COVID-19 lockdown alongside the man she’s trying to break up with, played by the poetic Chiwetel Ejiofor, who it turns out is less particular about his masks.

More on Hathaway’s favorite mask above, as well as Ejiofor’s thoughts on the moral and ethical dilemmas posed by Locked Down and Hathaway’s thoughts on the absolute hell we’re all going through right now.

Locked Down is streaming now on HBO Max.

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