Anne Hathaway to clean up her party-girl act in Live Fast, Die Hot

Anne Hathaway is prepared to project her newfound experience with motherhood up onto the screen. According to Empire, she is currently attached to star in an adaptation of Jenny Mollen’s bestselling memoir Live Fast, Die Hot, in which the former Angel actress recounted her transformation from top-notch party beast to responsible parental unit. Hathaway gave birth to her first child less than a half-year ago, so this is likely a life experience to which she can relate.

In discussing the subject of her book, Mollen described the strange experience of moving between worlds and how difficult it can be for first-time mothers. “I don’t think enough women are being honest about motherhood. Particularly the aspect of motherhood that I’m trying to address, which is that sort of post-partum, I-just-had-a-baby, oh my God, how am I supposed to be the White Knight when I’ve spent my life being a Damsel in Distress?” she explained in an interview with Signature. “[T]he book is about my internal journey, and ‘how do I become the mother that I always wanted when I didn’t have the mother I always wanted?’”

In addition to being new to motherhood, it looks like Hathaway is also transitioning into the role of a film producer. Not only is she expected to co-produce Live Fast, Die Hot, but she’s also taking on a producer’s role for the film adaptation of Grounded, the George Brant play she starred in last year. Prior to these projects, she only had one credit as a producer, for Kate Barker-Froyland’s 2014 feature debut, Song One.

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