Announcing a few new TV Club Classic treats for your winter's enjoyment

Well, Internet, Thanksgiving is over, taking with it the last vestiges of the American commercialism machine pretending that it's not just trying to get you to spend a shitload of money on Christmas gifts. But that also means that November sweeps are on their way out, taking with them brand-new episodes of your favorite shows. Seriously, if you look at the December TV listings, it's like a giant, empty field and then sometimes a chill wind blows through it.

But we're here to help, of course, with two new TV Club Classic features, debuting next week, and the return of a summer favorite, also returning next week. Of course, Todd VanDerWerff will continue to cover The Sopranos on Wednesdays, Zack Handlen will continue to cover Star Trek: The Next Generation on Thursdays, Noel Murray will continue to cover Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel on Fridays, Todd and Zack will continue to cover The X-Files on Saturdays, and Nathan Rabin will continue to cover classic episodes of The Simpsons on Sundays. Don't worry. They're not going away. But we wanted to let you know about the new guys, too.

Mondays: Leonard Pierce, most recently seen 'round TV Club Classic way tackling Mr. Show, turns his attention to another rabidly loved cult series, as he considers Batman: The Animated Series. Articles will post every Monday, starting Nov. 29, at noon, Central.

Tuesdays: Erik Adams, of our sadly departed Gossip Girl reviews, winds his way through that other Judd Apatow produced series, the college-based Undeclared. Articles will post every Tuesday, starting Nov. 30, at noon, Central.

Thursdays: David Sims returns with his review of the complete run of Seinfeld, returning with the fourth season, which many fans would argue was the show's best. Articles will post every Thursday, starting Dec. 2, at noon, Central.

Now, if you're looking for something to do, you could go celebrate the spirit of the season by buying DVD box sets of the above shows to keep up. We'll wait. (Actually, we won't, the automated posting program won't let us. But it's a nice thought, isn't it?)

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