Ansel Elgort might be Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver

According to Variety, The Fault In Our Stars heartbreaker Ansel Elgort—because his character died, not because he was a jerk—might be playing the lead role in Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver. He’s still in “early talks,” but as far as entertainment news goes, that’s usually just as good as a confirmation. Variety says that Fury’s Logan Lerman and Star Wars VII’s John Boyega were also up for the role, but, again, Elgort doesn’t officially have it, so they could still be in the running.

We also know a little bit more about what Baby Driver is actually about, and, well, it sounds a bit familiar. Variety says it focuses on “a talented, young getaway driver who relies on the beat of his personal soundtrack,” which would probably be Elgort’s character. Apparently, he gets “coerced into working for a crime boss” and then “he must face the music when a doomed heist threatens his life, love, and freedom.” Also, he probably wears a jacket with a scorpion on it, because—aside from the pained music metaphors—that sounds exactly like Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive.

That premise aside, Baby Driver is being directed by Edgar Wright, and he has a pretty impeccable track record. Well, depending on how you feel about Scott Pilgrim, of course. We’re going to go with the classic “cautiously optimistic” on this one.

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