Anthony Bourdain took President Obama to Parts Unknown for Vietnamese food

Although he’s no Diamond Joe Biden, President Barack Obama seems like a cool guy. In the last year (of his presidency), the Commander-In-Chief has chatted with Marc Maron about movies, successfully performed stand-up comedy for a notoriously tough room, and paid tribute to the late Prince—all of this despite not being the lead singer of Korn. And we’ve just learned that the next stop on his farewell-to-the-presidency tour is a trip to Parts Unknown with spitfire restaurateur Anthony Bourdain.

The erstwhile No Reservations host invited President Obama to join him for bún chả, and it looks like they recently had their dinner date in Hanoi. Bourdain’s shared a photo of their treat-a-tête via his Instagram account, praising the President’s chopstick skills. Bourdain footed the bill, which was only $6.

These free meals will likely be fewer and farther between once President Obama leaves office next year, but if he demonstrates the right chemistry with Bourdain, maybe the silver foxes will hit the road together more frequently. The unofficial presidential dinner party will air sometime in September during Parts Unknown’s eighth season, according to CNN.

[via Eater]

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