Anthony Hopkins contemplates death in a video for Tom Petty’s Mudcrutch

The entertainment industry has a habit of shoving people out when they reach a certain age and replacing them with hipper, younger versions of themselves. But there’s one thing that older people will always be able to pull off a lot better than young people: The mournful death’s door ballad. Johnny Cash’s “Hurt” video is the gold standard of that kind of thing (and probably will be forever), but now Tom Petty and his pre-Heartbreakers band Mudcrutch have released their own “Hurt”-style ode to getting old in the form of a video for their song “I Forgive It All.” The video was directed by Sean Penn, and it features Anthony Hopkins driving around in an old car and looking at stuff that makes him remember all of the years gone by, and he eventually climbs up some stairs and sits in a tiny hotel room that is definitely a metaphor for heaven. Really, the whole thing seems like a pretty straightforward death metaphor, and it’s going to be super sad to watch whenever Tom Petty and Anthony Hopkins die.

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