Anthony Scaramucci finally achieves celebrity status, at least according to Big Brother

As one of the few members of the Trump White House who actually managed to get fired before he could do any real damage to the country, Anthony Scaramucci has been able to hold onto his 15 minutes of “fame” a little better than some of his colleagues (for example, remember Sean Spicer? Because we had to Google “SNL Melissa McCarthy” to remember that asshole’s name). Still, Scaramucci’s status as a political commentator has almost completely dissolved in the past year, seemingly dooming him to the sort of irrelevance that he has tried so desperately to avoid. Now, though, things have turned around for the ol’ “Mooch,” as the CBS network has officially bestowed “celebrity” status upon him by adding him to the cast of the new season of Celebrity Big Brother.

As a certified celebrity, Scaramucci can now consider himself to be on the same level as some of his new Big Brother housemates, including similarly high-level celebrities like, oh, lying swimmer and 30 Rock sex idiot Ryan Lochte, wacky prankster Tom Green, iconic houseguest Kato Kaelin, and Blossom’s Joey Lawrence. Those are real celebrities, more or less! Good for you, Scaramucci!

This exciting news comes from Entertainment Weekly, and the other Celebrity Big Brother contenders are wrestler Natalie Eva Marie, “reality TV personalities” Tamar Braxton and Kandi Burruss, football player Ricky Williams, bobsledder Lolo Jones, Lindsay Lohan’s mom Dina (who is clearly striking while the iron is hot), and Mean Girls’ Jonathan Bennett (who is also striking while the iron is hot). But of course, this news isn’t particulalry exciting for any of those people. They were already celebrities, whether they deserved that status or not, and now Anthony Scaramucci is one of them. What next? Celebrity Amazing Race? Celebrity The Mole? Maybe now we’ll never get rid of him!

Celebrity Big Brother premieres on January 21.

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