Apple is trying to make things right with angry Breaking Bad fans

Proving that, just like on the show, justice always prevails and everyone walks away happy, Apple has answered the class-action lawsuit filed by iTunes viewers irate over Breaking Bad being split into separate seasons, offering them all store credit. As noted by The Verge, Apple began sending out emails yesterday containing a redemption code worth $22.99, the amount paid for the iTunes Season Pass that fans had to purchase twice in order to watch all of the show’s final 16 episodes—despite, as complainants argued, the fact that it was advertised as one long season.

Of course, one could argue that it wasn’t actually Apple’s fault, and that marketing of the episodes—which were separated by a full calendar year—as one complete season was the decision of AMC and Sony. (For what it’s worth, as seen in the upcoming splitting of Mad Men into two clearly labeled halves, it’s not a mistake the network plans on repeating.) But as we’ve seen on Breaking Bad time and again, there is almost no business move that doesn’t have some collateral damage, and Apple should probably just be grateful it isn’t bleeding out on its porch right now.

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