Apple unveils iCloud

Even coming after Amazon’s much-hyped Gaga-related publicity stunt for its “cloud” software, Apple’s roll out of the iCloud seems like the main event for online content storage. Steve Jobs re-emerged from five-month medical leave today to introduce the iCloud, which will allow Apple users to wirelessly coordinate any and all material from their iPhones, iPads, iTunes, and Mac computers from anywhere at anytime, finally alleviating the great burden of not having constant access to our archives of unnecessary, self-absorbed minutia during every waking moment.

Not that there isn’t a catch or two. You can store your 1,000 most recent photos for up to 30 days, and 5 gigabytes worth of documents can be held at a time. Music purchased through iTunes can be stored for free, but anything not purchased from Apple requires a yearly $25 song matching fee (or you can upload it to iCloud yourself). All other iCloud features are free.

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