Apple will help you track those AirPods you’re bound to lose

Given that if you bought Apple’s AirPods—itty bitty little wireless headphones—you’ve probably already lost them, this news will do you no good. However, if you’ve managed to hold on to them, take heart: According to The Wall Street Journal, a tracking system is on the way. The paper reports that the Find My Phone app in iOS 10.3 will allow users to get at least some sense of where their AirPods might be. Be forewarned, it’s not foolproof, and not at all specific. That’s because the app will only pinpoint where the AirPods were in Bluetooth range of a device that’s connected to iCloud. As the Journal ominously notes, that could be “potentially hundreds of feet.” So you may be able to discover that they are somewhere in your apartment, but not if they are in a random drawer or the bottom of a purse. In that case, the “Play Sound” feature might come in handy—or it might drive you insane as you scour to find the source of whatever aggravating noise the headphones will then emit.

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