Apples In Stereo frontman Robert Schneider releases nerdy new math strategy game

Apples In Stereo frontman Robert Schneider releases nerdy new math strategy game

Robert Schneider, frontman for The Apples In Stereo, seems to have some time on his nerdy hands. The Elephant 6 collective co-founder, math geek, and master of the conceptual album tie-in has released a new board game, Al-Jabar Deluxe Edition: A Mathematical Game Of Strategy.

Al-Jabar mixes color theory with abstract algebra in a strategic game set to destabilize the brain’s involuntary method of comprehending color. The whole thing sounds exceedingly mathedelic in the description, which adds that once players are familiar with the rules, their “intuitive notions of color lead to interesting and often counter-intuitive color combinations.”

Schneider’s mathelete leanings have been out in the open for some time now, as his interest is reflected in some of The Apples in Stereo’s earlier music. For example, 2007’s New Magnetic Wonder was the first album ever to use a non-Pythagorean musical scale—purportedly of Schneider’s own invention—and the band’s most recent album, 2010’s Travellers In Space And Time, has a title that kind of speaks for itself.

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