Aptly named YouTube series The Annoying Orange to become annoying TV show

Aptly named YouTube series The Annoying Orange to become annoying TV show

The hit YouTube series The Annoying Orange is making the jump to television, under the direction of the same people who made the similarly, bafflingly beloved Fred a Nickelodeon and now 3-D movie star. Six half-hour episodes of The Annoying Orange are currently being produced by the ominously named web-scavengers The Collective, who have actually brought on some intriguing names to develop it—hiring Pinky And The Brain writer Tom Sheppard to script and even pursuing Malcolm McDowell to voice one of the characters, and no doubt participate in some sort of winking Clockwork Orange allusion. For those unfamiliar with the series despite its half-billion YouTube views, the show stars an orange with creepy, superimposed human eyes and mouth who heckles other fruits and vegetables in a shrill voice, usually while employing lots of puns. It’s easily the most popular show starring irritating orange things outside of the Jersey Shore. [/golf swing]

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