Archer + James Bond GIFs really...crap, we had something for this.

While it’s populated with a number of references to classic literature, Rush albums, and the cinema of Burt Reynolds, the main touchstone for Archer will always be James Bond. Creator Adam Reed has found a lot of comic gold to mine by taking Ian Fleming’s debonair spy and turning him into a whoring, irresponsible drunk who is utterly incapable of caring for others (or, truly, revealing Bond to be a whoring, irresponsible drunk who is utterly incapable of caring for others). Now a fan has gone the extra step and finally melded the two together…in GIF form!

Redditor Ollylolz has created a series of animated GIFs that feature James Bond (so far, always the Connery version) accompanied by quotes from Sterling Archer using the show’s title font. Ollylolz was inspired by a post that used still images for the juxtaposition before deciding to go all GIFmaking rampage on the project. Those interested can find all of the GIFs on Reddit, but a few standouts are posted below:

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