Archers Of Loaf played an unannounced reunion show this weekend

Archers Of Loaf played an unannounced reunion show this weekend

And we all missed it. Unbilled openers for The Love Language at the Cat's Cradle in North Carolina, indie-rock blueprinters Archers Of Loaf played their first show since 1998 on Saturday night. Twitter lit up the night with justified excitement—this reunion didn't seem all that likely, but here it was. And what a setlist! Four out of the five songs from the classic Vs. The Greatest Of All Time EP, alongside first-album jams like "Wrong" and "Web In Front." Complete setlist (swiped from a blog called Between Love And Like) is below, along with a video that was posted to YouTube. The big question, of course, is whether this is a one-off or something more. My bet is on a bunch of festival shows this summer.

1) Audiowhore
2) Harnessed In Slums
3) Revenge
4) Nostalgia
5) Lowest Part Is Free
6) Freezing Point
7) Greatest Of All Time
8) You and Me
9) Might
10) Web In Front
11) Wrong
12) Slow Worm

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