Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, and Lana Del Rey play Charlie’s Angels in “Don’t Call Me Angel” video

Elizabeth Banks’ take on Charlie’s Angels doesn’t open until November 15, but Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, and Lana Del Rey have already dropped the theme song. In the “Don’t Call Me Angel” video, the three singers play a trio of dark angels, we guess (confusing!), who hang out in some sort of spy training mansion (Townsend Academy?), with Grande on surveillance, Cyrus in combat training (surprise), and Del Rey on weaponry. Grande kicks off with a dreamy “don’t call me angel / you ain’t got me right,” Cyrus picks up the middle with a ragey “keep your pretty mouth shut,” and Del Rey frankly steals the whole show with a beautiful, ethereal bridge. Also, these “angels” may also be vampires. (Grande cautions, “don’t you know I bite when the sun sets”)

Unlike the last Charlie’s Angel’s theme song, this one does not feature any footage from what looks to be an inevitably awesome movie, although director/Bosley Banks does show up at the end to yell at the “Angels” to get back to work. Unfortunately the song itself doesn’t have a ton of play in it—not really hooky, the repetitive melody’s just kind of lying around—not that any of that really matters, as the song is #1 trending on YouTube, and has 17 million views already. It actually lands somewhere between a Victoria’s Secret promo and a glam-spy infomercial—one where Miley Cyrus gets to lick her co-stars on the face.

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