Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie kill count includes ice cream, assisted suicides

Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie kill count includes ice cream, assisted suicides

Sparing neither man nor animal nor giant, slimy snake, the good folks over at Auralnauts have collected every single one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s on-screen fatalities and posted it on YouTube just in time for Christmas.

The Governator’s largest killing spree comes courtesy of 1985’s Commando—perhaps because that film opens with Arnold petting a baby deer, and all magic has a price. The creative endings range from simple strangulation to alien explosives, with many semi-automatic weapons used in between.

You can watch the entire 28-minute compilation with or without commentary, though the chatter does provide a little context for oddities like Schwarzenegger's bit parts on ‘70s TV show The Streets of San Francisco.

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