Artist creates human body make-up illusions, showing that cakes were only the beginning

Artist creates human body make-up illusions, showing that cakes were only the beginning
Screenshot: True Calling

As the internet continues to grapple with the disorienting knowledge that everything in the world might actually be a cake in disguise, make-up artist Mimi Choi is here to remind us that things could be much weirder by using the human body as a canvas for disturbingly realistic illusions.

A lot of her work centers on turning arms and legs—parts of the body we typically think should not be eaten—into various kinds of food. Working in the same tradition that’s given us horrifying human-Dory combinations and cartoon character mouths, Choi uses make-up and serious skill to turn limbs into loaves of bread, bizarre apple tubes, tomato slices, bananas, corn cobs, sushi rolls, and more.

Choi doesn’t just advance the cannibal agenda by making people look edible. She also likes to fuck with our conception of the human face by creating effects that make viewers feel dizzy, instinctually terrified, or just plain nauseous.

There’s a lot more to see at Choi’s Instagram, a gallery of oddities that are as impressive as they are stomach-churning. And, just in case you thought all of this wouldn’t wrap back around into a deceptive food ouroboros, well, we regret to inform you that Choi wants you worried that sometimes cakes are actually legs.

[via Bored Panda]

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