As if one McConaughey wasn't enough...

As if one McConaughey wasn't enough...

Variety is reporting that pot-smoking man about town Matthew McConaughey is developing an animated show about the life of his brother, Mike "Rooster" McConaughey, called Rooster Tales. Apparently it will follow "the life of a beer-swillin' redneck sherrif." Not to get all pessimistic, because you know we're all for cautious optimism around here, but man, this sounds like one of those terrible ideas that's going to get enormously popular, doesn't it? Maybe as some sort of karmic balancing maneuver, somebody in Hollywood should greenlight a miniseries about Rooster Sedaris, David and Amy's brother. Just remember, "Partake of whatever you like before you come in; it could make it even cruisier."

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