Ask Alexa for "some hot garbage" and she'll play you some Lonely Island

Ask Alexa for "some hot garbage" and she'll play you some Lonely Island
Photo: Adela Loconte

Tomorrow, The Lonely Island will embark on a two-week tour of the U.S. that will no doubt feature veiny, ‘roided-out cuts from The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience, a musical ode to ‘90s baseball titans Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire that the trio debuted as a “visual poem” on Netflix last month. We dug it, as did Canseco himself, but not everyone is on board. For example, ask digital assistant (and covert tech spy) Alexa for “some hot garbage” and, well…we’ll let the boys show you.

The video title doesn’t lie, either. As he does every morning, this writer asked Alexa for “some hot garbage” and was delighted to be presented with some bombastic hip-hop comedy. As Nerdist points out, though, you must be straightforward in your request: “Alexa, play me some hot garbage.” We mustn’t upset our technological overlords, for how else will we learn the plural for Goliath? (It’s Goliaths.)

See The Lonely Island’s full tour slate here.

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