Aspiring filmmakers: Be sure to enter Parameter, The A.V. Club’s short film competition

Filmmakers: Were you aware that The A.V. Club—with some help from our corporate sponsors, Grolsch—is running a short film competition? It’s true. Named Parameter and inspired by Lars Von Trier’s super-restrictive Dogme 95 film movement, it’s open to filmmakers who want to make a three to seven minute short film and follow a few rules. Some of them are simple. Some of them are not. Some of them are optional. And some are required. We’ve created a page with all the information (and an entertaining intro film) and will be accepting films during three submission periods. Those are also detailed on the site, but here’s an insider tip: We’ll have a longer time to look at films submitted during the first submission period, which ends August 10. Oh, and we should probably mention that first prize is $10,000 and a trip to see us in Chicago. And there are nice prices for the 15 runners up, too. And our favorites will be featured on the site. In short: There are many ways to win, but you have to enter.

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