Assorted controversies: Pope and Dylan, YouTube censorship, Popper

Plenty of entertainers seem to be clashing with authority figures in this morning's news, so here's a brief roundup. To begin with the "already more or less settled" kind of controversy, everyone's favorite, Reuters previews a new book in which the current Pope reveals he objected to letting Bob Dylan perform in front of Pope John Paul in a 1997 concert in Italy.

Turkey has banned access to YouTube because videos on the site allegedly insulted the country and its leaders.

Is preparedness a crime? Blues Traveler's John Popper was arrested earlier this week after he and a friend were pulled over for speeding in a car allegedly stocked with weapons and fitted with flashing lights, siren, and public-address system. The cops told the Associated Press that "Popper indicated to troopers that he had installed these items in his vehicle because (in the event of a natural disaster) he didn't want to be left behind."

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