AT&T U-verse customers may not be able to watch Mad Men

AT&T U-verse could drop AMC from its lineup this week, should the cable provider fail to reach a deal with AMC’s parent company, Rainbow Media Holdings. The two have been negotiating for some six months now over a contract renewal to carry Rainbow’s stations—a package that also includes IFC and WE—and yet they don’t appear to be any closer to finding a resolution, even as the contract’s July 14 expiration date rapidly approaches. (Among the points of contention: AT&T’s claims that AMC, IFC, and WE are “among the least-watched and most overpriced per viewer.”) Should the two prove unable to come to an agreement, Mad Men fans among the estimated 2.3 million AT&T U-verse subscribers will be unable to catch the fourth season when it airs—and that includes your Newswire editor, who will be pissed, and will be forced to exorcise his rancor upon the world.

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