Audible Originals releases David Duchovny’s new storytelling project, The Reservoir

Audible Originals releases David Duchovny’s new storytelling project, The Reservoir
Image: Amazon Audible

David Duchovny keeps expanding his creative exploits past his well-known arena of acting. Not only is he a musician who has released two albums (with a third on the way), he’s also the writer of four novels. His latest literary exploit is called The Reservoir, a two-hour-long story written and performed by Duchovny himself, just released on Audible today.

The Reservoir has a familiar timely theme: It’s about a man named Ridley trapped in his Manhattan apartment during the pandemic. Rear Window/Vertigo-like, he becomes obsessed with a woman he spies across from him on Fifth Avenue, as the Central Park Reservoir stretches out between them. But is Ridley really in the midst of a romantic quest, or is his solitary, claustrophobic mind playing tricks on him? The Reservoir takes the listener on a quarantined NYC adventure, aided in no small part by Duchovny’s expressive delivery.

For more on The Reservoir and Duchovny’s other current creative pursuits, look for an A.V. Club interview with him on the site this Saturday. Meanwhile, if you have Audible credits you’re not using (like we always seem to), maybe give The Reservoir a listen and thank your lucky stars you now can go outside again.

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