Austin, celebrate our new TV show with DJ Elijah Wood and mystery comedians next week

Hello friends. As we may already have told you once or twice, The A.V. Club is heading to television: John Teti will host The A.V. Club on Fusion beginning March 16 at 9 p.m. eastern, and the show will run weekly, hopefully forever and ever. (We’re still trying to sort out how you’ll be able to see it if your cable provider doesn’t offer Fusion—we’ll let you know!)

As everybody in the industry knows, a TV show can’t exist without a launch party during the annual South By Southwest festival in Austin. You probably thought we forgot to do one, but we didn’t: It’s going to happen Friday, March 10 at Barracuda. It’s open to the public. It’s free (but you should RSVP). Here’s what’s going to happen there, so you’re fully aware: John Teti will host the evening, and he’ll offer some sneak peeks at our new show. A bunch of comedians will perform, but we’re not going to tell you in advance who they are. (They’ll be good. You’ll know at least a couple of them.) Then, to cap off the evening, we’ll give the stage to the DJ duo Wooden Wisdom, a.k.a. actor extraordinaire Elijah Wood and his musicologist friend Zach Cowie, who will play amazing records until you are ready to go home. To paraphrase my friend Smoove B: There will also be swag. So please come down and join us, won’t you? Friday, March 10. Austin, Texas. There’s a flyer just below these words.

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