Awards Shows You Didn't Know (Or Care) Existed, Part IV

Awards Shows You Didn't Know (Or Care) Existed, Part IV

There are probably worse things in the world than being trapped in a room full of actors who are all wrapped up in a feverish, self-congratulatory circle jerk: like, say, being trapped in a room full of actors who are all wrapped up in a self-congratulatory circle jerk that is slowly being drained of oxygen, or being trapped in a room full of actors who are all wrapped up in a self-congratulatory circle jerk while a steady rain of razor-sharp knives falls from the ceiling.

But, still, The Screen Actors Guild Awards are pretty bad. From the lifeless, over-important presenter banter, to the lifeless, this-is-an-important-event filler music, to the often ridiculous, you-all-inspire-me acceptance speeches teeming with pretentiousness, the SAG Awards are everything that's awful about awards shows distilled and condensed into a thick, boring syrup that takes two and a half hours to consume. Maybe that's why they're considered a good predictor of the Oscars.

Anyway, to give you a feel for the glitziest union-sponsored event on the face of the Earth, here are a few video highlights, complete with superlatives:

Weightiest Acceptance Speech For A TV Movie Acting Award That You Only Won Because You're British (And Jeremy Irons): Jeremy Irons

When he solumnly places his award on the podium and says, "Into the lion's den…" you know it's only downhill from there.

Best Losers' Faces Montage: Best Female Actor In A Drama Series Award

Mariska Hargitay bravely feigns a lot of excitement, while Patricia Arquette and Kyra Sedgwick hide their pain by making out with their respective supportive husbands. (Side note: Why is Kyra Sedgwick constantly nominated for her acting on The Closer? Southern accents aren't that difficult, and bad Southern accents are incredibly easy.)

Most Phoniness On Parade: Best Ensemble In A Drama Series

Everyone means so much, and contributes so much, and is so equal. Their names are just really, really hard to remember.

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