Aziz Ansari to host MTV Movie Awards

It’s been several separation anxiety-filled weeks since we’ve had an Aziz Ansari-related news story to share, so let’s all concentrate and squeeze every drop of enjoyment we can out of this one: Ansari has been asked to host the 19th annual MTV Movie Awards on June 6, where the Parks And Recreation star will say funny things over undulating waves of sexually frustrated screams for Taylor Lautner. This will be Ansari’s first time hosting MTV’s celebration of movies with names that teenagers recognize, which puts him in the company of past hosts like Jimmy Fallon, Mike Myers, Jack Black, and Samuel L. Jackson. (And also Lindsay Lohan in 2004, which we totally don’t remember. Really?) In a statement, Ansari said, “I’m so happy Ronnie from Jersey Shore was unavailable and this exciting opportunity was able to come my way.” Speaking of which, can we say how bummed the show's producers must be that George Lopez already did this?

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