Baby Yoda, not content just to control all media, would like to commandeer the stereo, too

Baby Yoda, not content just to control all media, would like to commandeer the stereo, too
Photo: Disney

Each week, a new episode of Star Wars spin-off show The Mandalorian airs. And each week, inevitably, 2019's It Boy, Baby Yoda, does something that must immediately be turned into new memes. This is the way it is and the way it will continue to be until the current season ends and we are left to marvel at the sheer number of online love letters left in the alien’s tiny green wake.

And so, just as the sun rises each morning and sets at night, that bit in the latest episode in which Baby Yoda fiddles with the Mandalorian’s spaceship controls has become the subject of the latest online deluge. Though the competition between these few seconds and Boda sipping a beverage in his burlap sack has been hard fought, the possibilities inherent to the world’s foremost baby puppet jamming his stubby little fingers at what looks like a car deck has won out as this week’s top Baby Yoda craze.

Look at a few of the best examples for yourself and understand the potency of this format.

In each of these cases, the Mandalorian is taking his role as surrogate dad seriously, understanding that child aliens must be stopped from hearing age-inappropriate lyrics and given a classic rap education that begins with a stronger foundation than House Of Pain.

Really, though, the genre doesn’t matter. The clips work with pretty much every song choice imaginable, allowing people to create endless variations to suit their taste. The result is that viewers can imagine Baby Yoda filled with emotions, some painful and some joyous, that he simply must work out through the power of all types of music.

It’s astonishing, now that we must look forward to the new images and GIFs approaching like a storm cloud with this Friday’s episode, that Baby Yoda’s appeal has remained undiminished even after the non-stop attention he’s generated for almost a month now. Each week, we wait to see if the cuteness has soured—if we’ve finally had too much of a good thing—and each week the little bastard continues to be impossibly charming. We have to expect that this will continue to be the case for at least a few more weeks and, as such, must resign ourselves as subjects of a minuscule, pointy-eared puppet king. Unlike the Mandalorian himself, we will no longer resist Baby Yoda’s whims.

[via Screen Rant]

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