BALLOTS DUE FRIDAY: The 3rd Annual A.V. Club Film Poll

Okay ladies and germs, you only have three days to turn in those ballots for the 3rd Annual A.V. Club Film Poll. There are prizes at stake for the three strongest comment contributors—A.V. Club t-shirts at a minimum, with additional prizes to be determined later— but in order to make the poll as accurate a representation of your collective opinion as possible, we need raw ballots, too. Even if you don't have time to fuss over comments, that shouldn't stop you from dashing off a Top Five list. Every vote counts. Past film poll results can be found here and here.

Thanks again to everyone who's participating.

Here are the rules:

1. Come up with a Top Five list in preferential order and submit it to [email protected].

2. For simplicity’s sake, each submission will be allotted points on the following scale: 5 for #1, 4 for #2, etc.

3. Though it’s not required, you’re encouraged to include your thoughts on individual entries or the year in general. The most interesting comments will be included with proper attribution when the results are posted. We’d prefer actual names and locations, but if you’d like to use an alias, that would be okay, too.

4. Any ballot that includes the film Good Luck Chuck will be returned with a crippling virus attached.

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