Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice parody mashes up superheroes with Friends

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice parody mashes up superheroes with Friends

Given their similar penchants for doing good, some fans might expect to see Batman and Superman palling around like Friends’ Ross and Chandler, but in the latest Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice trailer, released at Comic-Con over the weekend by Director Zack Snyder, they just seem really pissed at each other.

David Johns thought Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Jesse Eisenberg could learn a thing or two from Chandler, Ross, and Joey when he created the mashup parody, below. Viewers can almost imagine Ross as Bruce Wayne and Chandler as Clark Kent. But maybe Joey isn’t super villain Lex Luthor. Perhaps that role belongs to Monica.

Johns has also combined the Star Wars: The Force Awakes trailer with the 1986 hit Top Gun.

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