Be cool, everybody: George Miller is still on board for more Mad Max movies

By the way he seems to change his mind about directing another Mad Max movie every other week, you‘d think George Miller was some sort of mercurial genius or something. Last we checked in with the Australian director and architect of the Fury Road, he had just lost the Golden Globe for Best Director to The Revenant’s Alejandro González Iñárritu, after which he told Page Six columnist Cindy Adams that he was done with the whole thing, basically because Mad Max: Fury Road took so long to complete.

That seemed to contradict pretty much every other interview he’s given during Fury Road’s glorious journey to Oscars Valhalla, where he said he has ideas for the sequelswhich, frustratingly, don’t include much Furiosa—and that he’d like to do “something a bit smaller before we go back out into the wasteland.” None of that constitutes a formal commitment to direct, sure. But still, if he has all these ideas and doesn’t want to direct them (the job is his to turn down, presumably), that would be the biggest flip-flop this side of Sea World.

And now that’s he’s been nominated for a Best Director Oscar for Mad Max: Fury Roadone of the film’s 10 total nominations—Miller has confirmed that he’s still in the post-apocalyptic saddle. Telling The Hollywood Reporter that what he told Adams had become “a bit jumbled,” and that “I was saying I didn’t want to do Mad Max right away. … I have a few other stories to tell. I wanted to do something small and fast,” reinforcing what he told Entertainment Weekly the week before. For now, though, Miller says his plans are to have a cup of tea—presumably one flavored with mother’s milk.

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