Behold, a Star Trek video set to William Shatner’s version of “Common People”

Behold, a Star Trek video set to William Shatner’s version of “Common People”

Who knew that Star Trek could provide so much footage to go along with William Shatner’s version of “Common People?” Evidently YouTube user LordRicco666 did, as he edited a video using many episodes of the original series and the cover of the Pulp song from Shatner’s 2004 album, Has Been. With this montage, the ode to slumming it becomes a rockin’ captain’s log full of bedded alien beauties, fun times with the crew of the ship, and the occasional heavy-handed metaphor for some societal topic.

The video is more fun than a game of 3D chess, with lots of cameos from fan favorites (the Gorn captain! Harry Mudd! Khaaaaaaaaaaan!) along with appropriate moments that illustrate the lyrics. It’s a fun tune and a great overview of iconic moments from the series, blended together like a horrible transporter accident.

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