Ben Affleck goes rumor-smashing, calls Batman “the greatest fucking part in the world”

Indirectly referencing rumors that have continued to plague his time as the Dark Knight—including sources from as recently as yesterday, which suggested that Warner Bros. was looking for a way to gracefully replace him in the role—Ben Affleck doubled down on his love for Batman at today’s Warner Bros. panel at Comic-Con. According to Coming Soon, Affleck called his role as Bruce Wayne and his gravel-throated alter-ego, “The greatest f—king part in the world,” adding, “I am thrilled to do it.” (He also praised The Batman director Matt Reeves, saying he’d be an “ape in the background” for one of Reeves’ Planet Of The Apes movies if the director asked.)

Possibly wanting to get in on this positivity party, Gal Gadot expressed similar affection for her own role as Wonder Woman. But, then, there haven’t been a bunch of news stories and question marks floating around her critically and commercially beloved performance, so it didn’t have quite the same impact as Affleck’s exercise in superhuman rumor squashing.

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