Ben Miller Band brings the “Ozark Stomp” to ZZ Top fans

If you saw ZZ Top last year—and who didn’t—then you probably saw the Ben Miller Band. The legendarily bearded trio took the Joplin, Missouri bluegrass act out on the road for both its North American and European tours, and has invited the group back to Europe this year. Miller and company dub their type of music the “Ozark Stomp,” using all manner of down-home instruments (washtub bass, an electric washboard, and so on) to make their tunes. The group’s new LP, Any Way, Shape, Or Form, isn’t out until Aug. 5 on New West, but A.V. Club readers can get an exclusive first listen to one of the album’s tracks below. “Hurry Up And Wait” is a stomper, and fans of slightly sparer acts like Scott H. Biram should be pleased at the fleshed out sound.

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