Beto O'Rourke is running for president, apparently against his dog's wishes

Beto O’Rourke has officially kicked off his 2020 campaign for president, and though many Democrats were energized by his run at Ted Cruz’s senate seat last year, not everyone is excited. As was noticed by the folks over at The Daily Dot, the former Texas representative might have one naysayer inside his very home.

Celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz did a photoshoot with O’Rourke and his family as part of a Vanity Fair profile released on Wednesday. While the images were clearly supposed to frame O’Rourke as a young and hip dad who plays guitar and drives a big truck, they instead tell a story about a very sad dog who doesn’t think his human companion has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning this election.

By all accounts, Beto’s dog is a bona fide good girl and an absolute sweetie, so there’s no reason to think she has any malicious intent when it comes to assessing her master’s prospects. It’s entirely possible she’s just worried that life on the campaign trail will leave less time for belly rubs and long walks around the neighborhood. Or maybe she’s an Elizabeth Warren fan. Who can say?

All we know is this: As goes the dog, so goes the nation. So, before O’Rourke embarks on his campaign to win over voters around the country, he might want to turn his attention to a certain four-legged constituent at home.

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