Betsy DeVos tries a tweet, gets attacked by online bears

In one of the most disheartening developments in an extremely disheartening few weeks, the massively unqualified non-educator Betsy DeVos was sworn in as Secretary Of Education on Tuesday. DeVos’ Cabinet appointment is one of the most contentious in history, following a lengthy filibuster by tireless Senate Democrats and a 50-50 Senate vote that had to be broken by Mike Pence. It’s the first time a deciding vote on a Cabinet member has been cast by a vice president.

You’d think DeVos would have learned from her new boss that playing with Twitter can be like playing with fire. But that didn’t stop her from sending out an ill-advised “What, me? School supplies?” tweet on her first day. That pathetic smiley face is fooling no one:

Huffington Post pointed out today that DeVos was almost immediately besieged by tweets mentioning the fact that many teachers in public school systems have to buy the pencils their own damn selves:

On a lighter note, many responses referenced DeVos’ infamous claim that schools needed to be able to have guns in them because of the constant threat of grizzly bears:

On Friday DeVos was denied access to a Washington, D.C. school by protestors, prompting her to turn away and leave (according to a statement issued later that afternoon, she eventually got into the school). Wow, that sure is a rough first few days, Secretary DeVos. But cheer up! Maybe the 1,460 days that follow will be better!

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