Big Brother winner Rachel Reilly picks the player most likely to win Big Brother All-Stars

Big Brother winner Rachel Reilly picks the player most likely to win Big Brother All-Stars
Clockwise from top left: Janelle Pierzina (CBS); Rachel Reilly (Sonja Flemmimg/CBS); Cody Calafiore (CBS); Bayleigh Dayton (CBS); Ian Terry (George Holterhoff/CBS); Da’Vonne Rogers (CBS); Kaysar Ridha (Cam Montgomery/CBS) Graphic: The A.V. Club

For only the second time in Big Brother’s 2o-year history, the CBS reality competition series has gathered an entire cast of all-stars to compete for the $500,000 prize. The 16 returning players entered the house Aug. 5, and immediately after the two-hour live premiere, season 13 winner Rachel Reilly hopped on the phone with The A.V. Club to break down the cast list and give her thoughts on who has the best chance at winning the whole thing. “A lot of these players know each other already. And more than on Survivor or Amazing Race, those relationships are going to come into play,” says Reilly, who is not competing this season, as she is currently expecting her second child with her husband and fellow Big Brother alum Brendon Villegas. “These people have been to each other’s weddings, they know each other’s families. You have people who are friends with everyone and some who already have some drama with some of the others. But, at the same time, they are all strong competitors who are there to win. It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out.” Continue reading on to get Reilly’s opinions on all the Big Brother 22 houseguests—and who she predicts will make it to the end.

Nicole Franzel
Nicole Franzel
Nicole Franzel Photo CBS

Previous performance: After winning the Jury Battle Back competition, she ultimately placed seventh on season 16 (2014); winner of season 18 (2016)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 90-1. “Clearly we had beef on , and we still have beef because she just didn’t want to fix it. But putting our beef aside, I don’t see her doing well because I don’t see anyone voting for a previous winner to win again—at least not on this cast. They’d have to really prove themselves, and I don’t see her doing that. We know she can win competitions when she needs to, but it’s going to be tough for her. Janelle doesn’t trust her because of Amazing Race, and I think she has beef with Bayleigh and Tyler and Da’Vonne. She just doesn’t try to be friends with anyone outside of the houses, and that could hurt her. I could see her getting out before jury.”

Ian Terry
Ian Terry
Ian Terry Photo George Holterhoff/CBS

Previous performance: Winner of season 14 (2012)Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 70-1. “If someone has a chance at being a two-time winner this season—and, I mean, it’s only between Nicole and Ian—then it’s Ian. He’s way more likeable. That said, he’d really have to prove himself and as Big Brother goes, he’s a very middle-of-the-road player. Outside of the house, people don’t really have much of an opinion about Ian. You know, he hangs out, you talk. Inside and out of the house, he plays it safe— there’s not a lot to dislike about him. He can win competitions when he needs to, and he’s really good at playing without a really strong alliance but still being social with everyone. That’s why I think he has a better chance than Nicole.”

Christmas Abbott
Christmas Abbott
Christmas Abbott Photo CBS

Previous performance: Placed third behind runner-up Paul Abrahamian and winner Josh Martinez on season 19 (2017)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 60-1. “I’ll be honest, I was not super excited to see Christmas on the cast. Her season, she got injured but then got to come back and play and made it to third with Paul, she was one of his minions and I didn’t find her super likable. But I’m hoping she can prove herself this season. She did really great on that puzzle [on premiere night.] That was impressive, and she has a good shot at holding her own in all the physical competitions. And I think it helps that she’s a little older and has a kid, so she’ll have a lot to bond over with older houseguests.”

Enzo Palumbo
Enzo Palumbo
Enzo Palumbo Photo Michael Hartz/CBS

Previous performance: The “meow-meow” placed third behind runner-up Lane Elenburg and winner Hayden Moss on season 12 (2010)Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 70-1. “I played with Enzo in season 12, and I was never impressed with his gameplay. I think he lucked into the Brigade alliance—I don’t think Enzo was the brains of the Brigade, like he says. But I think he’s hilarious. He’s great television. However, I don’t think he’s an all-star player. I love him and I feel bad saying it, but when it comes down to the game, I’m just not sure he gets it. But maybe he learned from his season 12 mistakes. Otherwise, he could be one of the first out.”

Tyler Crispen
Tyler Crispen
Tyler Crispen Photo Gordon Patterson/CBS

Previous performance: Runner-up to Kaycee Clark on season 20 (2018)Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 65-1. “I love Tyler. He really is one of my favorites outside of the house. But he doesn’t have a family, he doesn’t have kids, so I don’t know that he has as much to bond with people over and may have trouble forming an alliance. Then there’s that drama with Bayleigh that may or may not be settled. And even if it was, Tyler is really close with Kaycee, and Kaycee got into a big fight with Bayleigh on , so that could be something against him. Then there’s that he’s perceived as a physical threat even though he isn’t always the best in competitions. I sadly think he may go home before the jury.”

Memphis Garrett
Memphis Garrett
Memphis Garrett Photo Tim Lahr/CBS

Previous performance: Runner-up to Dan Gheesling on season 10 (2008)Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 50-1. “He’s a nice guy, he’s got a kid, he has so much going for himself back at home, so I think Memphis is going to do well forming relationships in the house. I think if he and Cody get together, they have a strong chance to go far together. Memphis’ game will all have to do with who he alligns with.”

Da’Vonne Rogers
Da’Vonne Rogers
Da’Vonne Rogers Photo CBS

Previous performance: Placed 16th on season 17 (2015); placed 11th on season 18 (2016); Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 50-1. “I love Da’Vonne. I think she’s amazing. She’s fabulous television. We’ve seen her play on The Challenge, so we know she can win competitons. But there’s two Da’Vonnes, and it all really depends on which one shows up: one Da’Vonne likes winning and the other Da’Vonne likes to give us good TV. She could be a great Big Brother player but she has trouble being fake when she needs to be. She plays like me, she’s going to tell people what she thinks of them, even if it’s not good for her game. But she’s smart, and I know she’s good friends with Bayleigh outside of the house, so I’m hoping she can get a good alliance going with Bayleigh and maybe Janelle and Daniele.”

Keesha Smith
Keesha Smith
Keesha Smith Photo CBS

Previous performance: Placed fourth on season 10 (2008) Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 45-1. “So with Keesha, like I know she doesn’t like take crap. She’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind. She’s super feisty, and I love that about her. And she’s good at winning comps, but we haven’t seen her playing for 12 years. I’m hoping she gets into an all-girls alliance and be best friends with all the girls. But she might end up getting into it with Memphis, because they had beef on season 10—or they could be best friends. It’ll be interesting to see how that relationship plays out. It’s just been so long since she’s played, it’s hard to tell what she’ll do.”

David Alexander
David Alexander
David Alexander Photo Michael Esham/CBS

Previous performance: Evicted first on season 21 (2019) Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 40-1. “David seems like he’s ready to play. He got out so early his first time around, but—because of the twist—he got to spend a few weeks in the house and I really thought he tried his best to strategize and make alliances, and he did well in the competition to get back in, he just couldn’t get the win. As much as outside relationships could come into play, one thing he has going for him is that no one has seen him play. This is really like his first time in the game, no one knows what he’s capable of yet.”

Nicole Anthony
Nicole Anthony
Nicole Anthony Photo Cassie D’Agostina/CBS

Previous performance: Placed third behind runner-up Holly Allen and winner Jackson Michie on season 21 (2019)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 35-1. “I was a huge fan of Nicole last season. I think she has that superfan thing going for her and I think we’ll see her come into her own this season. As long as she doesn’t get too starstruck, I think she could get in good with the girls. I think she’s definitely got what it takes to make it far because she’s likeable and I don’t think she’s going to be considered a threat. She’s just got to get in good with a group.”

Cody Calafiore
Cody Calafiore
Cody Calafiore Photo CBS

Previous performance: Runner-up to Derrick Levasseur on season 16 (2014)Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 25-1. “Cody. Oh my god. Cody, he’s a beast. And he’s been on other shows with a lot of these people. And on top of that, he is good looking, he’s charming. But now he has a serious relationship, so he can’t flirt this season. And he also doesn’t have Derrick, so I think he’s going to have, we’re going to see Cody play differently. We’re gonna have to see Cody actually like really play his own game. I think he’s going to do really well. But I also think that winning that first HoH competition in 22 seconds, that is going to be scary to people. If he makes it far, people will probably forget about that win, but it could put a big target on him in the first few weeks.”

Bayleigh Dayton
Bayleigh Dayton
Kayleigh Dayton Photo CBS

Previous performance: Placed 11th on season 20 (2018)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 25-1. “She’s fiesty. She’s fun. She’s good at competitions. And she did well on The Challenge, so she’s already in game mode. I talk to her all the time and I could see her in a girl’s alliance. I see her working with Daniele, Da’vonne, and Janelle. And I think she’ll also bond well with the older guys because she’s so easy to talk to. If she becomes friends with the girls, Janelle will bring Kaysar into the group, and that could be a great. And ultimately, when her back is against the wall, she can win a challenge. I see her doing really well. She came to win, not just be on TV.”

Kevin Campbell
Kevin Campbell
Kevin Campbell Photo Chris Collins/CBS

Previous performance: Placed third behind runner-up Natalie Martinez and winner Jordan Lloyd on season 11 (2009)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 20-1. “He’s such a sweetie and you can tell he’s here to play. He wants to have a child, and he’s married now so he’s a little more serious than his first time around. I’ve hung out with him and he’s so easy to talk to. His season, he just didn’t win that final HoH, but he always did well playing. Kevin doesn’t take the game too seriously, not to the point where it will mess with his head, which is so important. I think he’ll be able to talk to everyone and I don’t see him being the center of any drama. I could see him get to at least final five or three. I could even see him winning.”

Daniele Donato Briones
Daniele Donato Briones
Daniele Donato Briones Photo CBS

Previous performance: Runner-up to her father, “Evel” Dick, on season 8 (2007); placed eighth on season 13 (2011)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 20-1. “Daniele and I played on season 13 together and were best friends, but she got bored and turned on our veterans’ alliance. So I think, if she doesn’t get bored, she’ll do well. She has a lot of pre-existing relationships in the house—Bayleigh, Kevin, Cody, Ian, and more. She’s in the BB community where everyone still talks to each other, and she’s been around since season 8 and everyone knows her backstory. I think she’ll do well because she’ll be friends with everyone. She just can’t get bored.”

Janelle Pierzina
Janelle Pierzina
Janelle Pierzina Photo CBS

Previous performance: Placed third behind runner-up Ivette Corredero and winner Maggie Ausburn on season 6 (2005); placed third behind runner-up Erika Landen and winner Mike “Boogie” Malin on season 7 (2006); placed 12th on season 14 (2012)Rachel’s odds she’ll win: 18-1. “Janelle! Oh, I love Janelle. I think she’s great. We’ll see her around for a while. I don’t think she’ll be targeted like on season 14 because there’s no Dan and there’s no Boogie to go after her. And then, Janelle and Kaysar are best friends. He’s not going to turn on her. And she’ll also have Danielle, and she’s friends with Kevin, and I think she’ll have Bayleigh. She’ll have really good alliances, so it think this could be her season to go all the way. I really hope she doesn’t get third again. And she’s still really good at comps. She also doesn’t take herself too seriously or make big decisions based on emotions. She’s strategic and strong, and that’s going to take her far, especially in this house. I think people will want to keep her around and she won’t have people turn on her in the way they did in season 14.”

Kaysar Ridha
Kaysar Ridha
Kaysar Ridha Photo Cam Montgomery/CBS

Previous performance: After being eliminated and voted back in by fans, he ultimately placed 10th on season 6 (2005); placed 10th on season 7 (2006) Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 17-1. “I think he’s so fun. He’s so cute. Watching him on the premiere, I think he’s just kind of like getting his footing back together because he hasn’t been on the show in 14 years. I kind of wonder how he’s gonna play because we’ve always loved him, and we’ve always loved watching him. I kind of wonder if he’s gonna like put up with all these other people though, because he’s so much older now. But he does have Janelle and they’ve remained friends for 14 years. They are ride or die and would never turn on each other, so at least they’ll have each other. I don’t think they’ll be a big target of a pair since almost everyone in there has relationships with each other. He could make it a little further than Janelle because I think people will see her as a bigger personality, maybe. As long as Kaysar commits to it and doesn’t get bored with everyone, he could go really far.”

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